捕头 发表于 2010-5-7 11:24


Mother's Day is a time to remember


As we head into the Mother’s Day weekend, I find myself, once again, trying to figure out how I feel about this annual event. It’s a bittersweet time, at least for me.And it’s probably so for anyone who has lost their mom. You keep busy, avoid restaurants and get through it. But the occasion serves as a reminder. For instance, I’m reminded that a day rarely goes by that I don’t think about my mom....

She died when I was 22. She was 53. And although this year marks the point where I have lived more years without her than with her, the influence she wields on my life lingers. It’s quite amazing, really.

I suppose it is the job of every parent to teach their children. And my mother was no exception. But over the years, I have come to appreciate the style in which she imparted her wisdom. She had a unique way of always taking a step back from any situation. She knew how to simply observe.

And she would share those observations.

For example, when I was a teenager and had stayed out late one night, she calmly asked the next morning: “Did you notice the light outside was left on for you?”

I supposed I had, since she was drawing my attention to it. But it wasn’t something that really registered the night before. Then she pointed out: You always leave a light on until the last member of the family is home. There was no lecture about being out too late. There was no scolding for ignoring a curfew. It was calm and reassuring. Just a simple statement of fact as to what you are supposed to do.

The next time I went out, she simply asked: Should I keep a light on? Without realizing it, the question prompted me to share my plans for the evening, complete with a promise that I would be home at a specific time.

Today, I often think about that when I come home at night. Somethings you never forget.

Brenda O’Farrell
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