gcd001 发表于 2008-6-16 15:26


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Fan Zhongyan
【作者简介】Notes to the author:

Fan Zhongyan (989—1052 ) was born in Wu County, Suzhou
Prefecture (today’s Wu County, Jiangsu Province ). His polite name is Xiwen. 北宋著名政治家、军事家。公元1015年(宋真宗大中祥符八年)中进士。公元1040年以后,历任陕西经略安抚副使、枢密副使、参知政事(副宰相)等职,曾上书提出十项政治改革方案,因受阻挠而未能实现。
He is a famous politician and military strategist of the Northern Song Dynasty. He passed the imperial examination for jinshi in 1015 (the 8th year of Dazhong Xiangfu, Song Zhenzong Emperor) and held the posts of Jinglǜe Anfu (Vice High Commissioner, generally of border areas), Vice Privy Councilor, Canzhi Zhengshi (Vice Premier), etc. Once he put forward a ten-point reformation plan which was turned down.
公元 1045年被免去参政知事,先后到邓州(今河南邓县)、杭州、青州(今山东益都)任地方官。
After he was removed from the post of Vice Premier in l045, he became a local officer in successively in Deng
Prefecture (today's Deng County, Henan Province), and Hangzhou
Prefecture, Qing
Prefecture (today’s Yidu, Shandong Province).
His poems and ci poems (poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and characters, originating in the Tang Dynasty and fully developed in the Song Dynasty) and articles bear his own features. His works are collected in A Collection of Fanwenzheng Gong (Fang Zhongyan).

【题解】Introduction to the article:

This lyric prose was written in 1046 (the 6th year of Qingli, Song Renzong), the year when the author was demoted to Magistrate of Deng Prefecture.
作者在政治上失意之后,并“不以物喜,不以己悲”,Though thwarted politically, he still followed the principle (his own life philosophy) that "natura1 beauty is not enough to make one happy, nor one's own situation enough to make one sad ". (One should be neither excited about worldly (external) gains nor upset by his own plight.)

却通过对比,绘声绘色地描绘了洞庭湖的雄伟气势和壮丽景色。Through contrast, the imposing aspect and the magnificent scenery of the Dongting
Lake is described extremely vividly.

最后提出要“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,表现了一个坚持改革的政治家的坚强意志和崇高理想。At the end he suggests that "one should be concerned before anyone else and enjoy oneself only after everyone else finds enjoyment", which shows the strong will and 1ofty aims of a political reformist.
(One should be the first to bear hardships while the last to enjoy comforts. One should be concerned about the state affairs before others while enjoying the comforts after them.)

It is mainly written in a four-character style. With its strict parallelism, it sounds sonorous and forceful.


In the spring of the fourth year of the Qingli period (the year 1044 ),Teng Zijjng was banished (expelled) from the capital to be prefect of Baling

Prefecture (demoted to Prefecture Magistrate of Baling). After he had governed the prefecture for a year, the administration became efficient, the people became united, and all that were left undone took on a new look (were given a new lease of life). Then he had Yueyang Pavilion (Tower) restored, enlarging its size while having inscribed on it poems by famous men of the Tang Dynasty as well as the present time. And he asked me to write an essay to commemorate all this. Now I have found that the finest sights of Baling are concentrated in the region of Lake
Dongting. Dongting, nibbling at the distant hills and gulping down the Yangzi
River, strikes all beholders as vast and infinite, presenting a scene of boundless variety; and this is the superb view from Yueyang Pavilion. All this has been described in full by writers of earlier ages. However, since the lake is linked with Wu Gorge in the north and extends to the rivers Xiao and Xiang in the south, many exiles and wandering poets gather here, and their reactions to these sights vary greatly.
During a period of incessant rain, when a spell of bad weather continues for more than a month, when chilly/cold winds bellow angrily, tumultuous (uproar) waves hurl themselves against the sky, sun and stars hide their light, hills and mountains disappear, merchants have to halt in their travels, masts collapse and oars splinter, the day darkens and the roars of tigers and howls of monkeys are heard, if men come to this Pavilion with a longing for home in their hearts or nursing a feeling of bitterness because of taunts and slander, they may find the sight depressing and fall prey to agitation or despair.
But during mild and bright spring weather, when the waves are unruffled and the azure translucence above and below stretches before your eyes for myriads of li, when the water-birds fly down to congregate (assemble, gather) on the sands and fish with scales like glimmering silk disport themselves in the water, when the iris and orchids on the banks grow luxuriant and green; or when dusk falls over this vast expanse and bright moonlight casts its light a thousand li when the rolling waves glitter like gold and silent shadows in the water glimmer like jade, and the fishermen sing to each other for sheer joy, then men coming up to this Pavilion may feel complete freedom of heart and ease of spirit, forgetting every worldly gain or setback to hold their wine-cups in the breeze in absolute elation (great joy, high spirits), delighted with life.
But again when I consider the men of old who possessed true humanity, they seem to have responded quite differently. The reason may be this: natural beauty was not enough to make them happy, nor their own situation enough to make them sad. When such men are high in the government or at court, their first concern is for the peop1e; when they retire to distant streams and lakes, their first concern is for their sovereign. Thus they worry both when in office and when in retirement. When, then, can they enjoy themselves in life? No doubt they are concerned before anyone else and enjoy themselves only after everyone else finds enjoyment. Surely these are the men whose footsteps I should follow!

[ 本帖最后由 gcd001 于 2008-6-16 15:29 编辑 ]
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