南阳恐龙蛋化石群自然保护区 Nanyang dinosaur egg fossil Nature Reserve南阳恐龙蛋化石群被誉为继秦始皇兵马俑之后“世界第九大奇迹”。近年来,南阳采取多种措施,着力打造恐龙蛋旅游品牌。南阳恐龙蛋化石群,不仅是河南旅游走向全国的精品,也是走向世界的一次重要机遇。这次香港招商,就是要以“蛋”为媒,宛港联姻;旅游搭台,经贸唱戏。
Nanyang dinosaur egg fossils group known as the Terracotta Army after following the "the ninth largest miracle of the world." In recent years, Nanyang adopt a variety of measures, focused on creating brand dinosaur eggs tourism. Nanyang fossil dinosaur eggs, Henan is the country's tourism products to the world is an important opportunity. The Hong Kong business, which is to "egg" for the media, WAN port marriage; Tourism setting up the stage for the economic and trade development plan.
Nanyang dinosaur egg fossil is found throughout the largest area, the number and types of the most complete dinosaur egg fossil. Nanyang tens of thousands of pieces of dinosaur egg fossil discovery shocked the world. Prior to this because the world unearthed fossils of dinosaur eggs, less than 500, in such concentrated, This large group of dinosaur egg fossils is rarely seen.
Since July 1974 so far, Nanyang dinosaur egg fossil protection zones have been discovered dinosaur egg fossils 6 Section 9 is 13, China accounted for half of the total, about one-third of the world total, China is by far the world and rare fossils monument. Regional distribution of fossils of dinosaur eggs broad number of people, and the perfect preservation, a variety of types, including many egg layers, Waterloo nature into good, his was the highest in the world, and egg fossils and footprints fossils symbiotic, and bone fossils exist, is the only domestic, rare in the world, the Earth and Geology and Paleontology of the wonders of the natural history of the treasure trove of treasures, the very high economic, social and scientific value, known as "shocked the world scientific discovery", "the ninth largest miracle of the world in 20 century."