It is amazing how quickly things may be built when you dont have to worry about appeasing the environmentalist. Its as simple as that.
1 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:20:36 by OldDeckHand.
China is doing incredible things while we rot and decay
4 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:27:30 by Scythian
I have to admit that I love the station architecture. Bright and open with the trains right out on center stage, not shoved into a dark basement like they are at Union Station here in Chicago. The Chinese measure their success by the things they build, and they are justly proud of their feats of engineering. Where we turn out ethnic studies graduates they turn out electrical engineers.
I worry most about adversaries that are builders. The fanatics burn out, you can outlast them like we did with the Russians. The thieves destroy themselves. But the builders grow stronger with every day that goes by.
5 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:27:54 by GonzoGOP (There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
To: OldDeckHand
I also note that there were no UNION Thugs/Leeches getting their 25% cut on this deal and drawing this construction out to a typical 15-25 years.
For a comparison compare notes on the Boston Big Dig which was 350% over budget and still 20+ years overdue... but hey its a Democrat construction job in a overwhelmingly democrat state.
9 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:34:33 by prophetic (0Bama = 1 illegal president = 32 illegal, unconstitutional & unnecessary CZARS to do his job!!)
Our engineers told the Chinese the Burma Road would cost millions and take 10+ years. They did it in a year for peanuts.
17 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:46:12 by moehoward
China has been a society of builders from before the Communists, and will still be builders long after they are gone. The Grand Canal, Great Wall, in the same way that militant civilizations celebrate their generals builder civilizations celebrate their engineers. America was once a builder civilization. We celebrated the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago, the Hoover dam, and the Saturn V moon rocket. Today we celebrate Tiger Woods and Lady GaGa. Something happened in the 1960s we changed from builders to consumers. We lived for 50 years on the legacy built up by 184 years of frantic building. But that legacy is exhausted and we much now either rediscover our builder heritage, or become another Rome, that once built great things, and now survives by selling tours of the ruins.
19 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:48:38 by GonzoGOP (There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
我们美国以前也是建造者的文明,我们曾经为纽约和芝加哥的摩天大楼,胡佛大坝,土星5火箭无比自豪,而现在我们却只关心体育和娱乐明星的花边新闻,我们已经 50年来躺在我们父辈180多年的艰辛劳动的遗产上睡大觉了,等老本吃光后,我们要么重拾祖先建造者的传统,要么像罗马帝国那样,曾经建造了伟大,现在则靠祖先遗产的废墟吸引游客来度日。
California is still waiting for its LA to SF high speed rail line to be built. Which will take a lot longer than four years!
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find only things evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelogus
20 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:50:12 by goldstategop (In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
Yeah, we couldn’t finish environmental impact studies in four years.
If we tried to build a transcontinental, high speed rail line, the Chinese & Japanese would be using Star Trek style transporters before we ran the first train.
22 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:02:54 by sjmjax
23 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:02:58 by Mr. K (This administration IS WEARING OUT MY CAPSLOCK KEY!)
Up here in the People’s Republic of Vermont we have been trying to get a ring road built around Chittenden County for more than 30 years. A road. One fricken road.
24 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:08:05 by Straight Vermonter (Posting from deep behind the Maple Curtain)
The phrase heard around the Big Dig project was “don’t kill the job”, which meant don’t get the job done right the first time. Or even the second.
What a remarkable feat of engineering!!!
I wish we could build something like that. But unfortunately we lack the engineers/specialists due to an educational system that’s geared towards creating unproductive serfs.
28 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:15:14 by artaxerces
Faster and cheaper as well, since these trains run on electricity(which can be generated locally) rather than imported petroleum based jet fuel.
32 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:22:01 by artaxerces
That and not having to wait around for shipments of parts from China because you only ship them within your country which happens to be China where everything in the world is made anyways.
33 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:22:53 by GraceG
Never under estimate the power of a cheap and well educated labor force...
35 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:26:03 by artaxerces
As opposed to Ground Zero.
Eight years later, thats still a hole in the ground.
36 posted on 2009年12月28日 21:28:38 by thefactor (yes, as a matter of fact, i DID only read the excerpt)
"Totalitarian regimes are always efficient but ineffective."
Im not sure I would agree with the "ineffective" part - nefarious to be sure, but not ineffective.
Unlike the Soviets Union, who didnt engage in the kind of super-Neo-Capitalism that China does, I dont believe that China will collapse under the weight of itself. China has somehow managed to maintain a firm grip on its citizens, while also using the unquestionable benefits of its manufacturing and trade policies with the west. We are, for the first time in history, supplying the capital requirements of our enemy through the mechanism of (somewhat) free markets. Its a very strange dynamic, and one that - so far - China has been very adept at exploiting.