Dr. Hornsnagle, an American explorer, asked the ruler of Yap Yap whether free speech was allowed under his rule.
"Yes, indeed," said the ruler. "My people enjoy complete freedom of speech and we decide everything according to public opinion."
"But how do you find out what the public thinks?" asked Dr. Hornsnagle.
"That's very simple," said the ruler. "Whenever any question has to be settled, we gather all the people together in my palace. Then we decide our policy by just listening to the Golden Trumpets."
"And what are the golden trumpets?" asked Dr. Hornsnagle.
"Golden Trumpets," said the ruler, "are used to express public opinion here.
I raise my right hand above my head and shout: 'Those in favour, blow.'
Immediately those who are in favour of the proposal blow their golden trumpets.
Then I raise my left hand and shout: 'All those against, blow.'
This time those who are opposed, blow theirs. The side which makes the greatest noise is naturally the majority and the policy is decided in their favour."
"That," said Dr. Hornsnagle, "is the most complete democracy that I have ever heard of. I would like very much to see one of these meetings."
On the next afternoon, the people of Yap Yap, both rich and poor, were called into the palace courtyard to decide an important matter. There were only four rich men. All the rest were poor.
When all were assembled, the ruler stepped forward and raised his right hand.
"All those in favour, blow," he shouted.
The four rich men all lifted their golden trumpets and blew hard.
Then the ruler lifted his left hand. "All those against, blow," he shouted. Not a sound came from the poor people. Thus the policy was decided and the meeting over.
Dr. Hornsnagle asked the rule why only the four rich men blew trumpets.
"Because they are the only people who have golden trumpets," said the ruler. "The others are all poor people."
"Well, that doesn't seem very much like free speech to me," said Horsnagle. "In America, we have real freedom of speech."
"Is that so?" said the ruler. "And how do you do it in America?"
In America," said Horsnagle, "instead of golden trumpets, we have newspapers, magazines and radio stations."
"That is very interesting," said the ruler. "But who owns all these newspapers, magazines and radio stations?"
"The rich," said Hornsnagle.
"Then it is the same as Yap Yap," said the ruler.